Zenziva Living

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Growing up, I never loved my body—

As women, I believe that we forget to love and appreciate our bodies and all they do for us. Growing up, I never loved my body and all of the “imperfections” stood out more than any of the “positive attributes”. I began to do more self care regiments as I grew older and started to look at myself and my exterior package in a different way. One of the powerful rituals that has helped me with this process is the luxurious Chocolate Body Scrub.

Whether I am in a group of women doing a scrub on the beach together or by myself at home in the shower, the results are the same. Not only does my skin feel supple and smooth, I also feel physically lighter and brighter as if I had sloughed off a layer that was no longer needed. The chocolate body scrub is a necessity in my weekly self care regimen. It helps me to remember to love my body and to take care of her. She’s gotten me this far.


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